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Wednesday, July 5 12:00 AM ET

BBspot Mailbag

Now you too can enjoy my Inbox without the annoying spam. Every week I get some amazing e-mail. Some amazing because of the sheer cluelessness of the sender, some because of the time and energy that went into crafting them and some are just simply amazing.


Six years after it was originally posted, the Metallica story gets some BBelievers...

ok i loved metallica for over 12 years but this is too fucking much. so they didnt like their songs on napster. NEWSFLASH!!!! napster had 1000's of bands and i didnt see them complaing. (more in the link)

Weekly Limerick

The winner of this year's Geek Limerick contest has volunteered to write a weekly limerick for BBspot. I haven't decided where to put it yet, so this week's I'll put in the Mailbag..

From: Seth

Just like Senator Ted Stevens said,
It's a series of tubes that we dread
 Are so full, things won't flow.
 That's the Internet? No,
But perhaps it applies to his head.

Dirty Keyboard

Our top 11 list about dirty keyboards brought back some bad memories for one reader...

From: Seeta
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 9:41 AM
Subject: Top 11 Dirty Keyboard List

A few years ago, I temped at a home mortgage company. This large woman (I'm a big woman myself, but she was much bigger) in our department used to keep all manner of food in her desk drawers including a jug of apple juice (obviously, unrefrigerated despite being pasteurized), a loaf of bread, and jars of peanut butter and jelly.

When she was gone one afternoon, I was directed to use her PC. I asked my boss in that little kid's voice, "Do I hafto?" Everyone in my department nodded sympathetically, and one coworker looked at me and said, "I feel for you. It's disgusting." Then she appeared to dry heave. The larger woman's keyboard was stuck to the desk, and there was a layer of filth covering everything her hands had touched. And I speak nothing of the smell.

So, when I read this one on your list--"People ask for a set of rubber gloves before using your computer"--I experienced a flashback that made me want to take a shower.


Left Hand Rule

Among the book recommendation I've been getting from readers, one reader of the BBlog makes a good suggestion...

From: Richard
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2006 4:18 AM
Subject: When in the library use the"Left Hand Rule".

No suggestion about which book to pick but I've ended up with some great reads using the following rule which I developed to widen my own reading range which I realised was starting to get a bit "narrow".

It is called "The Left Hand Rule"(c) :)

Assuming you're in a fiction library where the books are arranged by author...find a book you like, then also take the next book to the left, by a different author.

I've ended up with several cracking reads in the last few years using this rule - and I'll admit several dire ones that I found so bad I didn't make it past page 50, But that's what a library is about.

If you want a top ten let me know but I think others will keep you busy enough with detailed responses...

Random reading with a geek twist. Good idea.

That's all for this week!

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