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Tuesday, November 14 12:00 AM EDT

Titles That Won't Launch with the PlayStation 3

11. Legend Of Zelda: Link To Another Console
10. Katamari Damacy 3: It's Different, I Swear!
9. DOA 5: Borat Bikini Edition
8. Halo 3: We Finally Screwed Microsoft Over
7. Strawberry Shortcake's Descent into Dementia
6. Zero Wing 2: All Every People's Base Are Belong To Us
5. Accordion Hero 3
4. GTA V: Pony Brigade Salute
3. Call of Duty 4: Mission Accomplished Iraq
2. Sonic the Hedgehog: On Meth and Loving It
1. Super Gario Brothers: Absolutely Not Related And Not A Total Ripoff Of Super Mario Brothers

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