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Wednesday, September 30 12:00 AM ET

Bow Down to this Geek

By Francisco Rangel


In honor of The Beatles Rock Band here's a parody of "Come Together." I've embedded the original so you can follow along with the tune.


Here come the Geek Lord. 
He at every convention. 
He got Star Trek phaser. 
He one d10 roller. 
He got mint Flash action fig. 
Memorized the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. 

He wear his chain mail. 
He got level 80. 
He got Cylon outfit. 
He shoot magic missile. 
He say "I'll hack you. Wait and see." 
Built a working life-sized Lego AT-AT. 
Come together. Bow down to this geek. 

He solve the Rubik's. 
He got Sagan's sweater. 
He got Crow T Robot. 
He one dope nethacker. 
He code AI in Standard C. 
Kick your ass at chess while cracking RSA keys. 
Come together. Bow down to this geek. 

He coffee roaster. 
He got HAL computer. 
He call Great Cthulhu. 
He one torrent seeder. 
He say "I'll have soylent earl grey tea." 
DMs quests more complex than the Knights Who Say "Ni." 
Come together. Bow down to this geek. 

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please send them to me at Thanks.

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