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Wednesday  September 27  3:02 PM EDT

Blue Screen of Death Wanted In
Murder of Overclocker

By Brian Briggs

Los Angeles - Blue Screen of Death, or BSOD as he is known on the streets, is wanted in the murder of overclocker Lee Ning.  This is the fourth known overclocker death attributed to the notorious BSOD.  Police describe the suspect as blue with white text, between 13.4" to 19.6" diagonal and consider him extremely dangerous.

BSOD Wanted PosterLee's friend Carol Singh was on the phone with him at the time of his death, "He said he had just achieved the perfect overclock and was just getting a screen shot to prove it.  Next thing I heard was Lee screaming, 'No, God, No' and then some gurgling noises.  That's when I called 911."

Police arrived shortly after to find an all too familiar scene:  Victim sitting in front of their computer with mouth agape in an expression of complete rage, dead.   "We tell kids not to mess around with their computers like this, but it looked like Lee was into overclocking pretty heavily," said Officer Rex Kramer of the LAPD, "There were fans and cooling tubes all around the room."

Lee's parents were in shock. "Why couldn't he just look at porn like all the other kids," said Lee's mother Holly.  "We suspected he was overclocking in there, but we were hoping that maybe with all the tubing he was making a bong."

Officials say that BSOD can strike at anytime, usually when you least expect it, so don't let your guard down for a second.  Authorities also suggest keeping your doors and windows locked, and use the buddy system when using your computer. Remember kids, speed kills.

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