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Monday, July 18 12:00 AM ET

Sony Releases New Wireless TV

By Brian Briggs

Tokyo, Japan - Sony unveiled their newest wireless TV which they say will remove the "cable and satellite tether" that keeps TVs from moving around the house. The TVs feature an HD tuner and Sony's patented "rab bit-ear" antenna, which optimizes wireless signal reception.

Wireless TVKenichi Fukibuta from Sony said, "It's an education process. Many consumers don't know they can pull televisions signals right out of the air with our state-of-the-art antennas."

Fukibuta said the wireless TV will also eliminate "channel paralysis" that many cable and satellite viewers undergo when faced with so many choices. "Most viewers get confused by having six different HBOs to watch. The wireless television cuts out that problem."

Many consumers couldn't wait to get their hands on the newest wireless televisions. "I can kiss the high cost of satellite good-bye," said Hayden Jewison from Sandusky. "I was paying over $90 a month for satellite. Just think how many more bags of Doritos I can buy now."

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Frank Hastings from San Jose, California said, "I'm a gadget freak, so this is for me. I have a wireless phone, a wireless mouse, even a wireless ankle bracelet mandated by the county. Why not a wireless TV?"

Some prospective TV buyers weren't convinced the new televisions were for them. "You're trying to tell me that there're TV stations flying through the air? I don't believe it. If there were, we'd all be getting cancer or something from it," said Molly Sakantush.

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