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Monday, December 10 12:00 AM ET

Year in Review: Disappointments in Technology 2007

By Brian Briggs

We take a break from the hard news we usually publish for a little end-of-the-year fluff. There were many disappointments in the technology world in 2007. Here are the ones we consider the biggest:

iPhone SaberNo iPhone Light Saber Add-on – Sure, everyone wants one of the cool-looking iPhones, but wouldn't it be that much cooler to press the "light saber" button on the screen and get your very own tauntaun-slicing tool?  Because who knows, that tow truck you called might not arrive before you freeze to death.

Windows Vista Doesn't Cause Microsoft Bankruptcy – Vista has gotten a lot of bad press, but Microsoft is no nearer to bankruptcy than they were at the beginning of the year.  Everyone hoping that Microsoft will disappear will have to wait yet another year.

Flying Car – This annual entry never fails to disappoint.

Google Image Search – I show up #1 on a normal Google search for Brian Briggs, but only #9 and #10 for an image search for Brian Briggs.  What's up with that? I'd say they might need to hire a few more PhDs to tweak those search algorithms.

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Transformer Car Only Available in Japan – It's awesome to see the videos from the streets of Tokyo, but why can't we buy our Bumblebee in the states?

Lack of WoW Buttplug Equipment - I mean, it's the only slot still available, isn't it? +5 Rectal Vibrosword of the Beaver ftw!

No one Punched Mark Zuckerberg in the Face – Why not?

Hayden Panettiere and Ali Larter Haven't Returned my Calls – Not only that, but they got a restraining order.  You'd think that people with superpowers wouldn't be so sensitive.  What's up with that?

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