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2.07.02 - Jackrabbit

    I had a few spare hours yesterday so I pumped out a quick comic. I didn't want to go another week without an episode, but I knew I didn't have the time required to do a comic at the usual level of quality. I figured that since I didn't have quality, I better balance the comic out with some breasts. I realize this may be an issue for my female readers, and so I'd like to offer a formal apology to BOTH of them. :)
    The bastards are celebrating the festival of Fat Tuesday which is the last celebration before Ash Wednesday and historically the last day to be REALLY naughty for the next few weeks. They've gone to the only place that still does Mardi Gras right: New Orlean's French Quarter.
    For those of you that have never been to New Orleans, it is hot, the drinks are expensive, but being there is still the biggest blast. Jack is just being a whiny bitch as he has a tendency to do. He'll get over it in a few minutes after he's drunk. (BBspot and Fuzzy Logic do not advocate overindulgence of any substance. The characters in today's comic are professionals on a closed course and do this sort of thing for a living.)
    Anyhow, Happy Mardi Gras! I'll see you next week!!
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