Cupertino, CA – A leak from inside Apple’s headquarters, it has been revealed that the iPhone 15 will include a new feature that scrambles the iMessage keyboard when texting an Android phone. The move is being seen as a clear attempt to make texting to Android users more difficult and to discourage iPhone users from communicating with their green-bubbled counterparts.

Apple CEO Tim Cook refused to comment on the leak, but insiders say that the company has been brainstorming ways to make texting to Android users even more frustrating for years. Other potential features that were discussed include a “delayed send” option that would cause messages to arrive hours after they were sent, and a “grammar checker” that would automatically correct the spelling and grammar of Android users’ messages, making them feel inferior.
But the scrambled keyboard feature has emerged as the clear favorite among Apple executives. According to sources, the keyboard will randomly rearrange itself every time an iPhone user sends a message to an Android phone, making it nearly impossible for the recipient to decipher what was written.
“We think this feature will really help our users feel superior to Android users, which is what you’re paying for with an iPhone,” said one executive who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “After all, if you can’t even read their messages, how can they be your equals?”
Android users are already expressing outrage at the news, with many taking to social media to voice their frustrations. “I already feel like a second-class citizen when I text my iPhone friends,” said one user. “Now they’re just rubbing it in my face.”
The leaked information has also prompted calls for regulators to investigate Apple for anti-competitive behavior. “This is just the latest example of Apple using its dominant position in the market to bully its competitors,” said one analyst.
At this time, it is unclear whether the scrambled keyboard feature will make it into the final release of the iPhone 15. But one thing is certain: if it does, Android users better brace themselves for even more humiliation and frustration when trying to communicate with their iPhone-using friends.