Reviewinator |
Trailer |
Quicktime |
Starring |
Ving Rhames |
Director |
Snyder |
Official Site |
Link |
US Opening |
March 19, 2004
Rated |
Not Yet Rated, but most likely
R |
Genre |
Horror Remake |
Trailer Clichés |
Quick-cut, film melt, shaking door. |
Explosions |
1 |
Weapons |
Flesh-eating zombies, handgun,
shotgun, flying zombies, fear, darkness, flying motor homes |
Voiceover |
No |
"In a world where..." |
"When there is no more room in hell..."
Spoilage Factor |
0% |
Geek Factor |
5% (Zombies) |
See Trailer? |
Yes |
See Movie? |
Yes |
Dawn of the Dead combines two of my favorite plots. A post-apocalyptic setting
and living in the mall. Throw in some flesh-eating zombies and you’ve
got a great concept
Dawn of the Dead is a “reenvisioning” of the
1978 George Romero film. Let’s hope that it does a better job
than the other “reenvisionings” like Planet of the
Apes and the
recently reenvisioned horror classic - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
The trailer opens with a serene scene of a suburban family;
mother, father and soon-to- be-flesh- eating-zombie daughter. After
the daughter kills off her father, the mother escapes outside. She's
faced with a zombie-filled town of burning buildings, which could
only be one place - Wisconsin.
Next, the tagline that flashes on the screen “When there is
no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth.” This is
misleading since it is likely the young girl wasn’t going to
hell. I know she’s going to hell AFTER killing her dad, but
before that she probably would’ve been headed to heaven, so
heaven must be filled too.
"I bet you can't open your mouth this
wide, oh zombie child of mine."
The mom races to the mall and joins the last surviving citizens
of the town. All the doors are barred, but there is a large crowd
of hungry zombies outside. Eventually the locked doors will be broken
and the shotguns will make some zombie head-mush.
One scene that troubled me involved one of the zombies flying through
the air Superfly Snooka style onto one of the survivors. In my imagination
zombies are mindless and shuffling. They overwhelm you with sheer
numbers, much like the orcs from The Lord of the Rings. If you are
going to make them active why not have lasers shooting out of their
eyes too.
Another troubling fact is that we have another first time director
at the helm of another classic horror film remake. The trailer also
uses a similar scene transition technique that Chainsaw Massacre
used. Both not good signs.
your hands if you're sure!
Despite those facts, living in a post-apocalyptic mall with zombies
outside gives us an interesting setting. People are facing the death
of loved ones and their own imminent death. They also have the emotionally
wrenching task of killing those zombified loved ones. I have a feeling
that this movie will gloss over these interesting psychological aspects
and spend more time on action. I love zombie decapitation just as
much as the next guy, but seeing how people react in a post-apocalyptic
environment is interesting too.
Conclusion on trailer: Good creepiness factor, compelling premise,
and decent actors make this a trailer worth downloading.
Conclusion on movie: First time director remaking a horror classic
gives me the willies. Might be worth seeing after watching the original,
so you can complain how the original is so much better than the remake.
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