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Wednesday, June 8 12:00 PM ET

Signs Your Dad Was a Geek Too

11. You ask him for computer help.
10. He was proud when you joined Chess Club because now the family tradition would be upheld.
9. Your allowance was always a multiple of $3.14.
8. He likes telling you stories about how computers were before they had keyboards.
7. He has more Legos now than you did as a child.
6. He can beat you in at least one video game.
5. He moderates a BBS.
4. His ring tone: the sound of a 9600 baud modem negotiating.
3. You learned a new coding algorithm that is named after him.
2. He made you wear a Spock costume to your first Star Trek convention because he wanted to go as Kirk.

He named you Luke just so he could say "Luke, I am your father."

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