Reviewinator |
Trailer |
Quicktime |
Starring |
Patrick Stewart
Hugh Jackman
Director |
Brett Ratner |
Official Site |
Link |
US Opening |
May 26, 2006
Rated |
Not Yet Rated |
Genre |
Comic Book Adaptation |
Explosions |
14 |
Weapons |
Assault rifles, knives, mind blast, laser eyes, jet fighter, flame fingers, falling cars, falling bridge |
Man Quotient
(Explosions + Weapons + Hot Babes - Kisses)/ Minutes |
Voiceover |
No |
Déjà Vu |
Independence Day |
Spoilage Factor |
45% |
Geek Factor |
80% |
See Trailer? |
Yes |
See Movie? |
Yes |
There are not many movies this summer that I want to see. This is one of the few that I do. It better not suck. The trailer gives me hope that it won't.
The trailer opens with the President saying that he "cannot negotiate with these people." These people are the mutants. He's going to "protect our citizens." Sounds familiar. Maybe if he built a fence around the mutant compound, or passed a constitutional amendment banning mutant marriage, it might solve the problem.
Magneto, ever the demagogue, tells a crowd of mutants that the humans will draw first blood and it's time to decide which side you're on. The stage is set. The pieces are moving. Wait, wrong movie.
Next we learn that a major pharmaceutical company has learned a way to suppress the mutant X gene. The "cure" comes from a mutant who is more powerful than even Magneto. This ticks off the mutants. They don't think they have a disease to be cured. Of course they wouldn't, they're mutants! What do they know?
Shall we dance?
There's an action montage showing the various mutants. Then Storm finds the body of Dr. Jean Grey. Something has gone wrong with Jean. She's hooked up to machines. Xavier is worried about her.
Something is definitely wrong because in the next scene Jean's standing side-by-side with Magneto as he addresses the mutant troops before they go to war. The mutant army marches across the Golden Gate Bridge. Magneto is the lead blocker and sends cars flying off into the bay. He looks dopey though. He needs a better costume.
Next Wolverine gives some speeches about how it's a war out there and we have to make our choice. You're either with us or against us. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
The most fearsome X-man: Smurf
Then we break into the action montage with mutant fighting humans and mutant on mutant action. You can tell it's a quality trailer, because the action isn't punctuated by a progressive metal soundtrack.
The trailer ends with a powerful scene. Wolverine holds onto Jean and tells her that we can make it like it was. She responds, "Kill me." I'm not sure what's wrong with her, but I do know that Wolverine could kill her. I doubt that he will. Even though this is called Last Stand, it's unlikely that it will be the last film in the series.
Conclusion on Trailer: Excellent trailer. Gives a good summary of what to expect. Good action sequences. No rock soundtrack or annoying voice-over.
Conclusion on Movie: Different director than the first two is a cause for concern. However, good cast and good story make this one worth seeing.
Not sure if you should believe me? Check out the Dysfunctional Family of Five reviews at DeadBrain.
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