I hope that they are able to clone dinosaurs soon. I can't wait for the all-you-can-eat buffalo style pterosaur wings.
I'm nearly certain that one more gallon of Mountain Dew will either bring me closer to nirvana or time travel; maybe both.
On second thought, perhaps that time travel solution is more likely
to be found with a bit more overclocking.
The internet may be a vast wasteland of lies and pr0n, but it's still my best friend. Can you honestly say that your best friend isn't just the same? I didn't think so.
My new operating system comes with a lot of eye candy, but I had to stop using it after a Skittle scratched my cornea.
If I found myself on the Planet of the Apes, I think that I would just be content to fling poo at them.
Did you know that Home Depot doesn't sell desktop wallpaper for your
The worst part about having a wireless network is running back and forth from the modem with the data packets.