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Tuesday, September 30 12:00 AM EDT

Things Geeks Would Do with $700 Billion

11. Remake disappointing geek movies like Phantom Menace and The Matrix: Reloaded the way they should've been done.
10. Hire JoCo, Weird Al and MC Frontalot for birthday gala on the International Space Station.
9. Lobby congress to pass a law stipulating that all companies must provide a Linux version of software and drivers.
8. Buy up all copyrights, release everything with Creative Commons license.
7. Finish paying off loan used to buy gaming computer.
6. Buy enough World of Warcraft gold to own Azeroth.
5. All-access, one-day pass to Area 51.
4. Start nationwide chain of Soylent Green restaurants.
3. Commission five more seasons of Firefly, Futurama and The Lone Gunmen.
2. Eat Kraft Dinner with fancy dijon ketchup 7,000 times.
1. Build a life-sized Death Star out of LEGO bricks.

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