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Friday, November 7 12:00 AM EDT

BBarack oBBama

Some Thoughts from BBarack oBBama  

(The geek alter-ego of the president-elect)


Frank Giordano of Milwaukee, Wisconsin expect a knock on your door this week from the oBBama Vote Enforcement Squad. I've been monitoring your email and I know you didn't vote for me even though you kept twittering that you did.

A tax deduction for losses on a comic book collections to be one of my top priorities after taking office.

Everyone should have email, and I should have everyone's email address to solicit money.

I have more geek cred in my little finger than Sarah Palin has in all her pairs of glasses.

For the next campaign I'll never have to leave the Oval Office, my hologram will be projected to all fifty states.

Hunting down trolls will be headed by my Secretary of the Internet, Neo from The Matrix.

Voting by text message is closer than you think.

Free Gmail for everyone.

Yes we can... get you multiple fiber optic trunks installed in your BBasement.

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