
Tuesday, February 3 12:00 AM EDT

11. All Google Ad links pointed to Sergey Brin's Facebook page.
10. Changed gmail signatures to "I use Gmail therefore I'm smarter than you."
9. Changed hyperlink finger cursor on mouseover to the middle one.
8. Every search result returned "I'm sorry, Dave. I can't let you do that."
7. Accidentally replaced all occurrences of "jerks" with "Microsoft" in returned search results.
6. Engineer mistakenly flipped company switch to "evil" for three weeks.
5. Added two million votes for Obama in the past election.
4. Changed favicon on Google sites to goatse.
3. Changed all YouTube videos to "Chocolate Rain."
2. Replaced all images of Angelina Jolie naked in GIS with Gallagher, naked, holding melons. (at least we hope they were melons)
1. Beta removed from new service before three years had passed.

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