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Wednesday, May 6 12:00 AM ET

Kirk or Picard

By Francisco Rangel

Here's another one of our song parodies. This time it's "Kirk or Picard" to the tune of "Good Riddance (Time of your life) " by Green Day.

You watched all TOS,
you watched all TNG,
in one long marathon,
with barely time to pee.
Your friends inquire,
and at once begins your plight.
A simple question
that won't let you sleep at night.

Which captain do you think is best?
Which makes you pine and sigh?
You have to pick; it's Kirk or Picard.

You scan your memories
of all that you just saw
Analyze their traits
and scrutinize their flaws.
You watch the movies and
hope they can be your guides.
It's been ten months
and you still can't decide.

One was assimiliated by
the Borg, and one screamed KHAAAAN!
Which will it be? It's Kirk or Picard.

One's got android friend, and one
a Vulcan at his side
You can't decide; it's Kirk or Picard.

One slept with lots of alien babes
The other's really smart
You just can't pick; it's Kirk or Picard.

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