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Tuesday, August 4 12:00 AM EDT

Signs Your Wireless Carrier Sucks

12. Their hands-free device is a piece of string to tie the phone to your head.
11. They use wires.
10. All customer service is handled through the mail.
9. You can use the RF from their phones to make popcorn.
8. Sales rep keeps bragging how he hasn't had a phone explode in over a week.
7. They only sell phones with Windows Mobile.
6. Your phone bill comes with a $200 surcharge for "Calling people."
5. The only bars you see sell alcoholic beverages.
4. Their ad slogan is "Can you hear anything? Hello? What? Can you hear me? Bob? Bob? "
3. Their idea of a world phone is a phone shaped like the world.
2. They only give you a free phone if you sign up for their 20-year plan.
1. Text messages must be sent in Morse code.

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