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Tuesday, March 9 12:00 AM EDT

Top 11 Other Oscars Won by the Star Trek Movies

On Sunday night, Star Trek won an Oscar for Best Makeup. What you may not have known is the franchise has won 11 other Academy Awards.

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11. Best Impersonation of a Planet by another Planet - Ceti Alpha 5
10. Best Original Short Song - "Life Forms" by Data in Star Trek: Generations
9. Best Freakout - Dr Leonard "Bones" McCoy for The Kidney Patient in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
8. Best Performance by a Chest in a Supporting Role - Ricardo Montalban for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
7. Best Attempt to End a Franchise - Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
6. Best Performance by an Actor Inside a Tube - Simon Pegg in Star Trek
5. Best Short Film - The Genesis Project by Dr. Carol Marcus
4. Longest Sustained Shot of a Starship - Star Trek: The Motion Picture
3. Best Eyepatch in a Support Role - General Chang in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
2. The Annual Locutus Award Given to Appease the Borg - Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: First Contact
1. Best Feature-Length Television Episode - Star Trek: Insurrection

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