It was the year of Spider-Man 2, Pitch Black 2 and Resident Evil 2. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears. It's
the time of year when no good trailers premiere so we have to fill
up with
for the trailers that were reviewed last year. We reviewed twenty-two
trailers last year. I'd love to give each of them an award, but some
were so average that it would be impossible.
 Worst Trailer of the Year
The nominees are...
Catwoman - "If you enjoy looking at Halle Berry oiled up in skimpy black leather outfits, or you want a warning on why you should not pay money to see this movie; then this trailer is for you."
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie - "A movie so bad, we have to give away never before seen cards to bribe you to see it."
Resident Evil: Apocalypse - "This movie is based on a video game AND it's a sequel. It's also the first film for the director. You can't hold out too much hope for it."
National Treasure - "I'm not sure what would possess you after seeing this uninspiring trailer, but if you do decide to go then leave your plot hole detector at home."
Not as bad as last year's choice which included The Cat in the Hat and Pokemon Heroes. And the Spottie for Worst Trailer of the Year goes to...
Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie
Oh the humanity!

Best Trailer Starting with "The" and Only One Other Word (sorry "The Day After Tomorrow")
The nominees are:
The Punisher - “How is this different from any other action movie?”
The Machinist -
This trailer proves that reality can be much creepier than special effects.
The Village -
I do not know how much longer Shyamalan can pull off these kinds of films, but I will give him one more shot at it with this one. (Probably a bad choice)
The Forgotten - Doesn't have much competition at the box office, but could be The Village 2. (Not quite that bad, but close)
The Spottie
goes to...
The Machinist

Don't look so happy Christian.

Best Trailer Featuring Marionettes
The nominee is...
Team America: World Police - There are a couple of funny moments, but this makes it look more like an action movie with marionettes than a comedy.
And the Spottie goes to...
Team America: World Police
It also won the award for Worst Trailer Featuring Marionettes.
 Best Trailer of the Year
The nominees are...
Spider-Man 2 - The music, the conflict, the effects all make this a great trailer.
The Machinist -
Creepy visuals and compelling storyline make this definite must see.
Van Helsing - Excellent trailer that motivates the viewer to see the movie. Great special effects, action and dialog.
Hellboy - This trailer is well made. You’ve got a hero with an attitude who looks cool. You’ve got some evil looking villains. This trailer is one to see.
And the Spottie for Best Trailer of the Year goes to...
Spider-Man 2
The others were good but this one was better.

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